Miriam Lyons

Miriam Lyons is the Executive Director of the Centre for Policy Development (CPD), an independent public interest think tank set up in 2007. Formerly the Policy Coordinator for newmatilda.com, Miriam has a long history of bringing innovative policy ideas and debate to new audiences.

Miriam co-founded Nexus, a non-partisan network designed to connecting young people with the democratic process, while studying politics and international relations at the University of New South Wales. She was also involved in setting up Vibewire.net, a national youth website.

Upon graduating, she founded and directed the Interface Festival of Ideas in Sydney. She then worked in East Timor for a year as a media consultant, assisting the local media sector to lobby for media law reform. During this time she co-wrote a report on media freedom in East Timor for ARTICLE 19.

On returning to Australia, Miriam directed an Ideas Program for the Straight Out Of Brisbane festival. She went on to work with AID/WATCH and the Australian Human Rights Centre. With University of New South Wales academic James Arvanitakis she founded a network dedicated to long-term social change called Plus20.

In 2008 Miriam was a delegate to the 2020 Ideas Summit. She has been profiled in the Courier-Mail, Channel Stu, Frank Magazine, and the Sun-Herald. She has written for several publications, including the Sydney Morning Herald, Online Opinion, and Griffith Review. Currently, Miriam is on the steering committee of Project Australia, the advisory committee of the Adelaide Festival of Ideas, and the steering committee of Sydney's Festival of Dangerous Ideas.

Miriam is currently studying an MA at the University of Technology, Sydney.

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